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What is a Doula?

The word “Doula” comes from the

ancient Greek word Doulos meaning

“one who serves."


It is now used to refer to a trained experienced professional who provides continuous physical, emotional, and informational support to the mother before, during, and just after birth;

as well as provides emotional and practical support during the postpartum period.
Studies have shown that when doula attend a birth, labors are shorter with fewer complications, babies are healthier, and they breastfeed more easily.

Benefits of a doula 

Research has shown that having a doula at your birth can make a real difference to the outcome.

The risk of an emergency cesarean is reduced, as well as the chances of other interventions happening like episiotomy and assisted delivery.

How a mother interacts with her baby, her satisfaction with her birth, and her relationship with her partner are all rated significantly higher with women who have had a doula compared to those who have not!

The Evidence on Doulas, Evidence-Based Birth®


Will a doula make my partner or family feel unnecessary? 

No, a doula is a supportive role for both the mother and her partner.

Your doula plays a crucial role in helping a partner become involved in the birth to the extent he/she feels comfortable. Read more 

What effects does the presence of doulas have on babies?

Studies have shown that babies born with doulas present tend to have shorter hospital stays with fewer admissions to special care nurseries, breastfeed more easily, and have more affectionate mothers in the postpartum period.

Does a doula replace nursing staff?

No. Doulas do not replace nurses or other medical staff.

They are there to comfort and support the mother and to enhance communication

between the mother and medical professionals.


Does a doula make decisions on my behalf?

A doula does not make decisions for clients or intervene in their clinical care.

She provides informational and emotional support all while respecting a woman's decisions.

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